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Cafisglobal - Remote Office Philippines

Building Your Offshore Team is Easy.

Focus on what you need. We do the rest

  1. We are transparent on billing.  We charge you at total cost plus a margin. Billing is a fixed monthly amount per resource.

We Keep Your Interests in Mind

While we look forward to cultivating a long-term business relationship with you, our terms don’t require long-term lock-in contracts.

Why Choose Cafisglobal?

We have been providing SMEs with high-quality, high-performance offshore teams for almost a decade.
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The only way for us to be successful is for you to be successful. Trust is an integral part of our business relationships. 

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We strive for excellence in everything that we do, so we usually meet, and even exceed, our client’s expectations.

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The cornerstone of our business is that we both honor our agreements and our commitments in full.

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We believe that mutual respect is key to develop both effective teamwork and a healthy business relationship with our clients.

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We believe that the people and the dynamics of the team are the engines of this operation.

Focus on driving your company’s growth.
We take care of all things administrative.
Cafisglobal - Contact Us

Interested in learning more? We can help.

(+63) 8891 1881

4th F OPL Bldg Carlos Palanca St, Legaspi Village Makati, 1229, Philippines 

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